The Advanced Placement program is a sequence of college-level courses taught in high schools by high school teachers with specialized training. Course offerings vary from campus to campus based on course demand.
- Offered at all Austin ISD high schools
- College Board monitored and authorized curriculum
- Potential college credit based on student's performance on exam
The AP Credit and Placement College and University Search at www.collegeboard.com/ap/creditpolicy allows colleges and universities to be looked up for review of their AP policies. Each college and university determines their own policy. These policies fluctuate based on the specific major and specific AP courses as well as whether an acceptable exam score is to be used for credit and/or placement in a sequence of courses. However, in Texas, public colleges and universities must provide credit for a score of 3 or higher on any exam. The value of AP courses and AP exam scores includes the admissions process, particularly in a competitive school.
Information regarding AP exams is available at https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/.
More information is located on the Austin ISD Advanced Placement website.